Saturday, July 30, 2011

Floating Back To Top Button For Blogger

Add Back To Top Button To Blogger

Step 1. In your dashboard click Design'> Add A Gadget > Choose Html/Javascript from the pop up menu.

Step 2. Copy The Code Below And Paste It Into The Html/Javascript gadget.

<a href=''><img alt='Best Blogger Tips' src=''/></a><script type="text/JavaScript">
var topMargin = 300
var slideTime = 1200
var ns6 = (!document.all && document.getElementById);
var ie4 = (document.all);
var ns4 = (document.layers);
window.setInterval("main()", 10)

function floatObject() {
if (ns4 || ns6) {
findHt = window.innerHeight;
} else if(ie4) {
findHt = document.body.clientHeight;

function main() {
if (ns4) {
this.currentY =;
this.scrollTop = window.pageYOffset;
} else if(ns6) {
this.currentY = parseInt(document.getElementById('floatLayer');
this.scrollTop = scrollY;
} else if(ie4) {
this.currentY =;
this.scrollTop = document.body.scrollTop;

function mainTrigger() {
var newTargetY = this.scrollTop + this.topMargin
if ( this.currentY != newTargetY ) {
if ( newTargetY != this.targetY ) {
this.targetY = newTargetY

function floatStart() {
var now = new Date()
this.A = this.targetY - this.currentY
this.B = Math.PI / ( 2 * this.slideTime )
this.C = now.getTime()
if (Math.abs(this.A) > this.findHt) {
this.D = this.A > 0 ? this.targetY - this.findHt : this.targetY + this.findHt
this.A = this.A > 0 ? this.findHt : -this.findHt
} else {
this.D = this.currentY
function animator() {
var now = new Date()
var newY = this.A * Math.sin( this.B * ( now.getTime() - this.C ) ) + this.D
newY = Math.round(newY)
if (( this.A > 0 && newY > this.currentY ) || ( this.A < 0 && newY < this.currentY )) {
if ( ie4 ) = newY
if ( ns4 ) = newY
if ( ns6 )document.getElementById('floatLayer') = newY + "px"
<div id="floatLayer" style="position: absolute; height:20px; width:15; left:650px; top:400px; z-index: 100"><a href="#"><img vspace="0" border="0" hspace="0" alt="Back to Top" src="" title="Back To Top Of Page" /></a></div><a href="" target="_blank"><small>Blogger Top Gadget</small></a>


If the button stops in the middle of your page and not at the bottom increase the number in red at the start of the code, for example in the demo i had to set that number to 500.

left:650px; = How far from the left the button appears you can increase and decrease it to suit your blog.

top:400px; = How far from the top it appears.

You can change the image used for the button by changing the image URL in blue to any image you wish to use.

Step 3. Save your template - You can drag and drop the gadget to the bottom of your design page as position wont effect the gadget.

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