Saturday, June 11, 2011

Android Central Editors' app picks for June

 Sean Brunett - PicFolio for Picasa ($2.99)

  I absolutely love the Picasa integration with Android, but I don’t like that there’s no native option to upload videos to your web albums. That’s where PicFolio for Picasa comes in. It is a very functional app as it downloads your Picasa Web photos for easy offline access and provides a nice interface for viewing them. If you don’t want it to do this, there’s a very easy offswitch. The feature that I’m most excited about, however, is the ability to upload videos straight to your Picasa account. Before I was routing everything through Dropbox, but with PicFolio for Picasa that is unnecessary. Simply open your Gallery or favorite photos app, go to share the video of your choice and PicFolio Uploader will be one of the options. It provides a status bar letting you know the progress and there is a WiFi-only option for data conscious users out there. [Market Link]

Menno - Fireball (Free)

A few weeks ago I mentioned that Chalk Ball reminded me a little of Jezzball, and some readers disagreed. Perhaps that comparison was a bit of a misnomer, but I think it works with my pick for this week. For those of you who never played Jezzball, the object of the game was simple. There Fireballwas a box with balls bouncing around in it and using your mouse you would block off certain parts of that box, making the available space smaller and smaller until eventually the balls can no longer move. Fireball follows a similar concept, but instead of blocking off a giant square, the field is in some shape (like a sea horse) and you "slice" bits off until you've successfully removed a certain portion (such as 70%). As the game progresses, the levels become harder, both with the inclusion of more/different fireballs and "buffs" that can make certain aspects easier or make you restart the level. harder. The graphics on this are some of the best I've seen for a game like this, and the gameplay is smooth and addictive. The only issue I've found so far is that the application apparently doesn't save your progress between shapes. Each shape has 5 levels, and if you leave the game and come back to it, it will start you at the first level of any shape you've unlocked. While potentially frustrating, I've found that I don't really mind this as much since every time I replay a level I keep getting a better score, but your mileage may vary. [Market Link]

Joshua Munoz - C25K (Free)

C25KSummer is right around the corner, and for some people it's great motivation to get back in shape. If running is your style, I'd highly recommend Couch to 5K. This is a lightweight, simple app that has each day of the C25K training plugged into it as a separate workout, with audio notifications denoting when to walk or run. It supports apps running in the background (like Music and Endomondo) with no problem, but if for some reason you switch out of the app in the middle of a run, the timer pauses. This is a limitation of the free version (the paid version keeps the timer going), but as long as you keep C25K running on top, this is one of the best training apps out there. [Market Link]

Alex Dobie - Remote Desktop Client ($24.95)

remote desktop
This app won't be for everyone (it's certainly not cheap), but if you own or rent any Windows servers, then the ability to RDCquickly control them via a mobile device could be extremely useful, and that's exactly what the Xtralogic Remote Desktop Client allows you to do. Just like any full-sized Remote Desktop application, Xtralogic's app allows you to control to control the resolution and color depth of your RDP session, along with more advanced options for security and memory card redirection. This is a great feature that allows you to transfer files between your phone's SD card and your remote machine. It may be a bit expensive, but the Xtralogic client offers a full remote desktop experience from anywhere where you have a data signal, which in my opinion is worth the price tag. [Market Link]

Anndrew Vacca - TV Guide Mobile (Free, Amazon AppStore)

Anybody else despise that crawling schedule on the TV Guide network? Thanks to Roundbox's TV Guide Mobile, you’ll never have to suffer through it again. Plug in your zip code and pick your cable or satellite provider and TV Guide Mobile will show you a full listing of what’s playing right now. Want to see what’s on tonight? You can plug in any date and time within the upcoming week to see what’s playing and when. You can even add programs or stations to a favorite list, which will give you a quick reference to the schedules of exactly what you want to see. There's a tab for the latest entertainment news but don't expect any frills beyond that; just come for the listings and leave happy. [Amazon Link]

Jerry Hildenbrand - Hot Death (Free)

Hot Fire
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away (or in a Florida garage converted into a rec room) I used Hot Deathto play Uno, with a twist. It was called Hot Death, and what you did was get out the magic markers, and invent new cards. I'll let you use ye old Google to find out more about it's origins, just know that it was also written as a BASIC program back when computers were huge, expensive, and didn't do much. I just found out that it has been ported to Android, and have been having fun with it ever since. It's easy to play, but hard to master, and in my opinion improves the card game every bit as much as a few beers does. It's also open-source (GPL) software, which makes it that much better. If you enjoy card games, you should give it a look. it's free, runs on Android 2.1 and higher, and loads of fun. [Market Link]

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